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Vitria Indriani


Social Norms on the Internet: A Study to Improve the Tax Compliance of Online Micro and Small Enterprises in Indonesia

12 December 2024

About Me:听

Hi. I'm Vitria from Indonesia. I am an enthusiastic lifelong learner with a deep passion for both teaching and studying. I believe that education is a powerful tool for personal growth, and I constantly try to set an example for those around me, especially my children, showing them that nothing can stand in their way from attaining higher education.

In my free time, I enjoy spending quality moments with my family and watching Netflix. I also love gardening and maintaining an organised living space.

Research Interests:

Tax compliance; Social media tax campaigns; Renewable energy; Sustainable finance; South-East Asian research


PhD candidate in Taxation, 2022 - now, 91制片厂, Christchurch, New Zealand

Master of Business Administration, 2006 - 2008, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Bachelor Degree in Accounting, 2000 - 2004, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia


Senior Supervisor:



Wicaksono, Panggah & Tjen, Christine & Indriani, Vitria. (2021). Improving the Tax e-Filing System in Indonesia: An Exploration of Individual Taxpayers鈥 Opinions. Jurnal Akuntansi dan Auditing Indonesia (JAAI), Volume 25 (2). https://journal.uii.ac.id/JAAI/article/view/18810/11894.

Hartono, Djoni & Hastri Hastuti, Sasmita & Halimatussadiah, Alin & Saraswati, Atina & Mita, Aria & Indriani, Vitria. (2020). Comparing the impacts of fossil and renewable energy investments in Indonesia: A simple general equilibrium analysis. Heliyon. 6. e04120. 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04120.

Situmorang, Frans & Fitriany, Fitriany & Indriani, Vitria. (2020). The Impact of Audit Market Concentration and Market Power on Audit Fees: A Comparison of Indonesia and Singapore. Jurnal Pengurusan 60(2020) 37 鈥 52. https://doi.org/10.17576/pengurusan-2020-60-04.

Tjen, Christine & Indriani, Vitria & Wicaksono, Panggah. (2019). Prior Experience, Trust, and IS Success Model: A Study on the Use of Tax e-Filing in Indonesia. Journal of the Australasian Tax Teachers Association, Volume 14, Issue 1.

Fitriany, Fitriany & Anggraita, Viska & Mita, Aria Farah & Indriani, Vitria. (2019). Impact of ISA 600 on market share and audit quality in Indonesia. Journal of Finance and Marketing. 2019;3(3):1-7.

Putri, QA & Indriani, Vitria. (2019). The Influence of Financial Distress, Operating Complexity and Audit Quality to Audit Delay with the Effectiveness of Audit Committee as Moderating Variable. Nova Science Book Chapter 2019: Accounting, Auditing, CSR, and the Taxation in the Changing Environment 鈥 A Study in Indonesia.

Conference Publications:

Vitria Indriani, Social norms on the Internet: A study to improve the tax compliance of online Micro and Small Enterprises in Indonesia, the 35th Australasian Tax Teachers Association Annual Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2024.

Awards and Honours:

2021 - Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP), the Ministry of Finance, the Republic of Indonesia scholarship awardee

2019 - Distance Learning Grants, Universitas Indonesia

2019 - Simlitabmas Research Grants, The Ministry of Higher Education, Indonesia

2018 - PITTA Grant, Universitas Indonesia

2018 - Simlitabmas Research Grant, The Ministry of Higher Education, Indonesia


2016 - 2022: Academic Staff in Undergraduate Program of Accounting, Department of Accounting, Universitas Indonesia.

2013 - 2022: Lecturer in Department of Accounting, Universitas Indonesia.

2011 - 2022: Consultant in The Center of Accounting Development, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia

Why did you choose UC?

I have chosen to pursue my studies at the UC Business School due to its outstanding scholars in my research area, excellent facilities, and comprehensive library resources. Additionally, it is located on one of the most beautiful islands in New Zealand, making it an ideal place to study and raise my children. It offers the perfect environment for both academic and family life.

Best things about study at UC:

UC Business School is incredibly supportive, offering extensive resources for my academic growth and well-being. I particularly love every discussion session I have with my supervisors. They not only provide excellent feedback for my research but also offer valuable advice for my personal and non-academic life.

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