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Virtual learning environments

13 February 2024

TheSustainability Hubsupports sustainable education initiatives at UC, with a particular focus on identifyingpedagogically sound methods of delivering practical hands-on teaching in more sustainable ways.


Sustainable alternatives for lectures and seminars are widely understood and used, with a range of tools for synchronous video conferencing and asynchronous collaborationenabling people to avoid unnecessary travel, deliver and access educational experiences that would otherwise be missed, and flip classrooms to make the most of both remote and in-classroom modes.

However, hands-on teaching such as that which occurs in laboratories or during field-trips has tended to be ignored as too difficult to meaningfully achieve in a virtual environment.

At UC, a cross-campus groupof academicand technical staffwork to identify courses and areas where virtual learning tools or learning units offer sustainability gains together with equivalent or improved learning outcomes.Some of the tools and learning units completed and put into service at UC are listed below. These initiatives have also produced a number of peer-reviewed papers, won a major international MOOC award, and been a finalist in the Australasian Green Gown Awards.

These initiatives align with UC's strategic goals and sustainability policy.

  • UC Sustainability PolicyGoal2: Teaching and Learning for Sustainability: explore options for enhancing low carbon methods of teaching, for example remote laboratory access and other on-line delivery modes;
  • UC Strategic Goalof Education—Accessible, Flexible, Future Focusedwhile also aiming for improved learning outcomes, safety, and resilience.

Virtual interactive walk-through of a hospital ward design space and the actual ward, neither of which are accessible for students. Currently used by about 80 MBA and 2nd-year design students per year. See the walk through(browser, VR).

Project members: UC Business School; Canterbury District Health Board; Jonathan Davidson (UC Sustainability Hub)

Project summary: The CDHB design space had been used for years as a teaching field trip for students learning about innovation in design, but was about to be decommissioned and become unavailable for teaching purposes. We created a virtual experience to preserve the space and allow students to learn about the processes that the CDHB went through to design the new ward at CHCH hospital. The virtual version includes a guided visit around the actual/completed ward, which is not possible in real life for students or groups. The content serves as an inspiration or a resource that can be revisited, not a complete course, so no assessment or tasks are required (4thyear students can use independently; for 2ndyear students, structure will be provided by the lecturer).

Learning outcomes: (1) At completion of visit, students will better understand how to apply a design approach to solving complex problems in creative ways. (2) Appreciate the principles that underpin a design approach to innovation. (3) See the value of working in visual ways combining analogue and digital tools to enable more diverse collaboration.

Deliverables: Online interactive board with 360° videos including walk-throughs of the design space and ward (link). Used as part of a block teaching day, accessible online/remotely.

Used by: MBA students and undergraduates within UC Business School, starting 2023-03 and including MBAM603 Innovation by Design (class averages 25 students, runs twice per year) and INOV200 (class averages 30 students).

Benefits: (1) Cost saving and reduced UC footprint: avoids a field trip for students each semester. (2) Improved learning outcomes: the design space is now gone, so the virtual content is the only option. The actual ward is in use and therefore not available for tours, so this is unique added value in the virtual content. Also, the virtual content can be revisited and self-paced. (3) Resilience and flexibility: can be used anywhere/any time/for any number of students without having to book an external site or schedule with external personnel. (4) Innovation: novel application of virtual labs in the Business School. Novel use of a virtual board to explore design process.

Virtual samples of CNC friction welding machine and welded samples displaying a range of defects. Currently used by well over 100 students a year who would otherwise miss out or have to destroy piles of welding plates going through the physical lab in small groups. See some of the objects(supports browser, VR).

Project members: UC Mechanical Engineering; Jonathan Davidson (UC Sustainability Hub)

Project summary: This project was exploring the use of virtual labs in mechanical engineering. The CNC setup required to run a friction welding experiment is in a working lab with restricted and difficult access, large groups of students cannot come in person to participate and run such experiments. The Virtual lab will be able to give students an opportunity to view the whole setup, experiment, and see various results from a first person point of view.

Learning outcomes: (1) illustrate the process of friction stir welding; (2) describe the various parts; (3) be able to predict what variables affect the final weld output.

Deliverables: (1) Virtual 360 object of the CNC and sample setup. (2) Normal video of the welding process. (3) Virtual 360 object of samples after welding for zoom in/out to identify surface details, such as defects.

Used by: Mechanical Engineering students, ENMT221 (116 students in first cohort term 3 2022).

Benefits: (1) Cost saving and reduced UC footprint: repeatedly running the physical lab requires welding plates and bits and technician time. Virtual lab can be used by any number of students and reused for subsequent semesters and other courses (2)Improved learning outcomes: The actual lab was difficult to provide access for, so this virtual lab gave students an opportunity that they would normally not have to see the welding process. Also, the virtual content can be revisited and self-paced. (3) Resilience and flexibility: can be used anywhere/any time/for any number of students without having to book the lab, equipment, staff.

Evaluation:Any improvements identified that could further enhance impact of deliverable?Better picture quality of equipment

Virtual Health & Safety induction for use of a robotic arm. Currently used by about100students per year, avoiding the need for repeated in-person induction of small groups of students at a time. See samples of what the robot arm model looks likeand(supports browser, VR).

Project members: Mechanical Engineering staff; Jonathan Davidson (UC Sustainability Hub)

Project summary:The industrial manipulators 4th year lab required detailed induction viz the hazards associated with the use of a robotic arm. This task was time consuming due to the number of students coming through the lab (only a small number could take the induction at once), and this task was also identified as being replaceable by a remote equivalent.

Learning outcomes: (1) to be able to identify hazards in the lab setting, (2) be aware of procedures to follow in case of an emergency and unexpected behaviour or the machinery.

Deliverables: an online exercise that met the above outcomes, integrated with the UC LMS (AKO|Learn), that students could complete before coming to the lab. It was important that the lab technician was able to easily identify students that had completed the exercise.

Used by: students in ENMT482 – Robotics (run yearly with c.100 students per year: 94 in 2022, 110 in 2023).

Benefits: (1) Cost saving and reduced UC footprint: avoiding use of lab and technician time for a repetitive task. Reused in subsequent semesters and other courses. (2) Resilience and flexibility: can be used anywhere/any time/for any number of students without having to book the lab space. (3) Innovation: novel Health & Safety module.

Evaluation:(1)Did the project meet the need(s)?Yes (2)How would you rate it overall?Highly (3)Did you receive feedback from students/users (please summarise)?Yes – positive feedback from multiple students. (4)Any improvements identified that could further enhance impact of deliverable?Streamlining the collation and display of results, ie the list of students who successfully passed the module.

A virtual model ofpart of the hardware in a steam train, includingand supporting interaction throughand(browser, VR).

Project members: UC Chemical Process Engineering; SXS NZ staff; Jonathan Davidson (UC Sustainability Hub)

Project summary:The various uses of steamaretaught to second year students in ENME and CAPE. Weaimtobuild a model that replicates thefunctionality of a steam trainthat conditions steam for specific uses.

Deliverables:A steam train model that supports: (1) Explaination of the use of components. (2) Measurement of pipe and tube size. (3) Reading of realistic pressure readings across the train which react to interaction by the learner.

Used by: ENME and CAPE students.

Benefits: (1) Cost saving and reduced UC footprint: reduces need for in-person labs and avoids need to acquire or access a similar physical system. (2) Improved learning outcomes: learners interact with a steam train whereas before they weren’t able to. Also, the virtual content can be revisited and self-paced. (3) Resilience and flexibility: can be used anywhere/any time/for any number of students without having to book an external site or schedule with external personnel. (4) Innovation: novel application of virtual labs in the CAPE and ENME. Novel use of an interactive digital equivalent of real machinery.

Interactive guide, questions and feedback added to an existing digital visualisation tool. See the tool(browser). Currently used to improve learning outcomes for about 150 students a year.

Project members:UC Mechanical Engineering; Jonathan Davidson (UC Sustainability Hub)

Project summary: The ENME207 Laboratory A: Introduction to Atomic Arrangement and Crystal Structure ran a lab with multiple stations, one of which used a webpage with interactive graphics to demonstrate concepts about materials science. We cloned the page and added questions with feedback to provide students with context and immediate feedback as they explored and learnt about the concepts. The benefit of using the page in a lab context is that it allowed students to explore concepts at a molecular level that were demonstrated elsewhere in the lab.

Learning outcomes: Explore simple metallic crystal structures and relate them to basic properties of different material classes.

Deliverables:Webpage with Unit Cell visualiser clone, including guide, questions, and feedback.

Used by: ENME207 - Materials Science and Engineering students (approximately 10 sessions of 15 students each per year).

Benefits: (1) Improved learning outcomes: exploring concepts at a molecular level and getting immediate feedback. Also, the guide can be revisited and self-paced. (2) Resilience: can be used anywhere/any time/for any number of students. (4) Innovation: novel use of interactive digital lab within an in-person lab.

Evaluation: Teaching staff feedback. (1)Did the project meet the need(s)?Yes, it did. (2)How would you rate it overall?10 out of 10. (3)Did you receive feedback from students/users (please summarise)? The students asked specifically about this app gave very good feedback. As lab tutors, we clearly witnessed how this tool enhanced students’ learning compared to the previous use of polystyrene models. (5)Any improvements identified that could further enhance impact of deliverable? No.

Online virtual microscope with images, videos, and 3D models of geology samples, plus directed questioning and feedbackmodelling the structure of a face-to-face lab. Currently used by about 60 students each year. View the labs, and the wider library of content.

Project members: UC Geology; Jonathan Davidson (UC Sustainability Hub)

Project summary:A virtual microscope resource was created when face-to-face labs were halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 to replicate the learning goals of an introductory petrology course on microscopy. This virtual microscope resourceutilisedimages and videos of thin sections, as well as 3D rock models to allow students to complete labs online. It also incorporated directed questioning and feedback as would be provided by demonstrators (teaching assistants) in a face-to-face lab.

Learning outcomes:Identifyand describe common rock-forming minerals, and igneous and metamorphic rocks, using both the microscope and hand specimens.

Deliverables:An online virtual machinethathas interactive questions that are aligned with labs goals andprovidesimmediatefeedback to students.

Used by: GEOL242, Semester 1 in 2021, 2022, 2023; around 60 students every year

Benefits: (1)Innovation:A newimplementation of guide around detailed imagery.(2)Improved learning outcomes: students can use the Virtual microscope as they complete their labs, regardless of whether demonstrators or lecturers are present.(3)Resilience: can be used anywhere/any time/for any number of students. (4)Research: the VMD was part of Kamen EngelsMastersproject and hethatreviewsthe implementation.(5)Unexpected benefits:the lecturer endedup usingtheVMDin lecturesas well asface to face labs. Student course demonstrators use theVMD to refresh on content before teaching the material to students.

Evaluation: Student reflections. (1)Did the project meet the need(s)?Yes, the project successfully met the needs. (2)How would you rate it overall?The VMD was highly successful and is used extensively by the students. (3)Did you receive feedback from students/users (please summarise)? Students liked the ability to access their samples remotely. Students liked the ability to review the lab material multiple times to gain confidence. Students enjoyed having the step-by-step guide of the VMD. Students liked the feedback provided by the VMD. Lecturer noted (anecdotally) that students have improved on their lab exam. (4)Any improvements identified that could further enhance impact of deliverable?This project has been through several rounds of improvements already. It could be used as an example for other microscope intensive courses around campus.

A virtual field trip to Iceland and around NZ structured as twomassive open online courses, used standalone as in flipped classroom teaching. The courses are award-winning and have resulted in two peer-reviewed reseach papers. Currently used by about 60 UC students per year, and more external students. See the MOOCs.

Project members:UC School of Earth and Environment; UC Instructional Design; UC Educational Media Production; Jonathan Davidson (UC Sustainability Hub)

Project summary: Virtual fieldtrips in volcanology have been in development for many years, and we have built upon lessons learnt from previous attempts. First a VFT to Iceland was created, and afterwards we adapted this content along with more material from NZ to create two Massive Open Online Courses. These MOOCs are open to anyone on the edX platform, but it is used in GEOL336 as a flipped classroom tool. The course was targeted to implement the VFT because it has a strong history of educational transformation, a teaching team with interests in geoscience education, and content that is well-aligned with the achievement standards relating to volcanology. This course was also the focus of a course transformation run under the Distributed Leadership in Teaching Programme. Another reason to develop a VFT was that students did not have the opportunity or funding to explore an active volcano, which is highly desired for a volcanology course.

Learning outcomes: The intended learning outcomes were wide ranging, here are example of intended outcomes: (1) Describe the process that creates the cinder cone fed a’a’ lava flows. (2) Sketch what a magma chamber under Krafla looks like. (3) Provide feedback on the interpretive sketch. (3) Re-arrange the following events into the correct order. (4) Evaluate the plausibility of converting all of NZ to this form of energy extraction.

Deliverables: 2 MOOCs with interactive exercises.

Used by:GEOL336 2019-2023, about60 students per year

Benefits: (1)Cost saving and reduced UC footprint: avoiding a field trip for students each semester. Can be reused in subsequent semesters and other courses. The flipped nature of teaching means that less contact time needs to be scheduled. (2)Improved learning outcomes: No opportunity for visit an active volcano. This resource allows students to explore volcanic rocks and outcrop in a guided environment. Also, the virtual content can be revisited and self-paced. (3)Resilience and flexibility: can be used anywhere/any time/for any number of students, and reduced contact time/travel makes timetabling easier. (4) Innovation: novel method of using a VFT in a classroom setting. (5) Research: Two peer reviewed papers onthese classroom interventions. “Design, implementation, and insights from a volcanology Virtual Field Trip to Iceland”, Volcanica () and “The implementation of a virtual field trip to aid geological interpretation within an undergraduate volcanology course”, forthcoming in Journal of Geoscience Education).

Evaluation: Teaching staff feedback. (1)Did the project meet the need(s)?Yes and more (2)How would you rate it overall?Excellent. (3)Did you receive feedback from students/users (please summarise)? The course won an international “Innovation in teaching” award (hereand). The feedback from students is summarised in the Volcanica paper. Feedback from an online course aggregator is. (5)Any improvements identified that could further enhance impact of deliverable? No.

Remote labto helpall students gain familiarity with videofluoroscopy (VF) for dysphagia assessment. See a sample of 360 video versus 3D model, and a sample of how these can be used to teach patient placement(browser, VR).

Project members: UCSchool of Psychology, Speech and Hearing / Speech-Language Pathology; Jonathan Davidson (UC Sustainability Hub)

Project summary:To provide a whole of cohort experience for exposure to and familiarisation of Videofluoroscopy (VF) for dysphagia assessment. Access to a VF experience is limited to select students who access this experience during a WIL placement. This is due to the physical (size) restraints of the VF suite, restricted areas which provide this service, and that opportunities sit with WIL partners and therefore the programme has limited control to ensure continuity of access to the experience for the students. Development of a VF Remote Lab will ensure all BSLP(Hons) and MSLP students experience the learning and competency development associated with this activity. It also allows for development in a low-risk, high-support environment and enhances the level of competency on arrival to a WIL site where they can then develop greater competency. Whole of cohort experience will add to the suite of activities and assessments which are compiled to assure the New Zealand Speech Language Therapists’ Association of competence in dysphagia assessment and management of UC graduates as part of the requirements for Programme Accreditation. Additionally, previous feedback from students shows that VF experience is highly valued by students.

Learning outcomes forNovice – Intermediate Competence Level: After participation in the VF Remote Lab students will be able to: (1) Identify the key equipment and its function in the VF suite. (2) Describe the health and safety requirements of working in a VF suite. (3) Describe the key components of VF including positioning of patient and other and the VF procedure. (4) Identify and label food and liquid consistencies used in VF procedure. (5) Describe the procedure for completing a VF swallowing evaluation. (6) Compare VF procedure to hospital bedside procedure. (7) Describe the patient’s perspective of the VF procedure. (8) Identify the communication that the therapist is using to re-assure the patient.

Learning outcomes for Entry-level Competence:After participation in the VF Remote Lab students will be able to: (1) Write a chart entry with diagnostic statement for the dysphagia assessment. (2) Problem-solve positioning of the patient to maximise quality of x-ray images. (3) Analyse and synthesise client assessment data including VF results to determine an appropriate dysphagia treatment plan. (4) Describe the perspective of all parties involved. (5) Describe how the therapist reinforced the value of client/family members perspective/goals.

Deliverables: virtualdysphagia assessment lab using immersive video and interactive 3D models and including teaching content and assessment.

Used by: Project still in development.

Benefits: (1) Cost saving and reduced UC footprint:travel to and from Rose Centrefor Stroke Recovery and Research(St George's Medical Centre).(2) Improved learning outcomes:not all students had the opportunity to go to the VF suite at the Rose Centre, let alone interact with a patient there. Now this provides a means for every student to learn about the process of assessing dysphagia.Also, the virtual content can be revisited and self-paced.(3) Resilience and flexibility: can be used anywhere/any time/for any number of students without having to book an external site or schedule with external personnel. (4) Innovation: novel application of virtual labs in the Speech-language pathology. Novel use of technology in a Work-integrated learning setting.

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