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Student story

Peizhao Qiu

20 July 2023

"Mechatronics is a subject of the future..."


Bachelor of Engineering with Honours聽in Mechatronics Engineering

Peizhao's decision to study Mechatronics Engineering at UC was fuelled by a motivation to make a difference, with New Zealand as a top choice of study location for him because of its "friendly atmosphere and lovely people".

"We are constantly learning skills which are not only interesting, but can also be applied to the real world. Mechatronics is a subject of the future. It combines knowledge from Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science to make smart products. This can include things such as robotics, rocket science and other advancing technologies."

Using what he has learnt during his studies, Peizhao hopes that one day he can contribute in a significant way.

"I believe that it is a common goal for Mechatronics students to make the future a better place to live in by using this technology to make smart products and improve everyday life."

The hands on element of studying an Engineering degree means that every day brings new challenges, and this is one of the things that attracted Peizhao to study Mechatronics at UC.

"There are a lots of real world projects to work on, in third year we have a competition in which we must design an automotive robot to find and pick up metal weights. We also have an assignment to design a control system for a helicopter.

"When I am not going to lectures or studying, I am in the Engineering laboratories working on course projects. This can be anything from coding to hands-on electronics work."

Peizhao has enjoyed the social aspect of his studies and feels that this has contributed to him feeling welcomed into life in a new country.

"We do a lot of work with groups in other departments, which is a good opportunity to get to know fellow students and learn from each other. Coming from China as an international student, I never feel isolated. Instead I feel like I am part of the group and we are achieving something meaningful."

He also found that the friendly nature of staff and students at UC has given him the freedom and confidence to ask questions and get advice on his studies.

"Lecturers are approachable, classmates are friendly and we have a great time working together. One-on-one discussions that I have had with tutors while writing reports help me to understand more about what I am learning."

Peizhao is a keen badminton player, and enjoys spending his spare time playing as a member of the UC Badminton club, UCanBC, who organise regular competitive and social badminton games.

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