ECLC fees
The ECLC is open from 7.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday for the whole year, except for about two weeks around Christmas and New Year. Check out the ECLC hours and fees.
ECLC fees
The ECLC is open from 7.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday for the whole year, except for about two weeks around Christmas and New Year. Check out the ECLC hours and fees.
ECLC fees
Our people
Our teachers are well trained and experienced in early childhood care and education, and are passionate about early years development and learning. Meet our people at ECLC.
Our people
Our teachers are well trained and experienced in early childhood care and education, and are passionate about early years development and learning. Meet our people at ECLC.
Our people
Philosophy at ECLC
Our philosophy embodies the principles of the New Zealand early childhood curriculum, Te Whariki He Whariki Matauranga mo nga Mokopuna o Aotearoa - The Strands of the Woven Web, for the children of New Zealand. Learn about our philosophy at ECLC.
Philosophy at ECLC
Our philosophy embodies the principles of the New Zealand early childhood curriculum, Te Whariki He Whariki Matauranga mo nga Mokopuna o Aotearoa - The Strands of the Woven Web, for the children of New Zealand. Learn about our philosophy at ECLC.
Philosophy at ECLC
Our history
In 1986 university staff with young children desperately needed reliable childcare facilities. Read a Brief History of UC's Early Childhood Learning Centre, written by Sheila Walker, its first supervisor.
Our history
In 1986 university staff with young children desperately needed reliable childcare facilities. Read a Brief History of UC's Early Childhood Learning Centre, written by Sheila Walker, its first supervisor.
Our history
Enrol your child
From enrolment forms to joining our waitlist, find out how to enrol your child with ECLC.
Enrol your child
From enrolment forms to joining our waitlist, find out how to enrol your child with ECLC.
Enrol your child
About ECLC
Te Whare K艒hungahunga o UC | Early Childhood Learning Centre (ECLC) is uniquely placed at the heart of the UC campus. We're conveniently located for you to see your child at any time during the day. Find out more about ECLC.
About ECLC
Te Whare K艒hungahunga o UC | Early Childhood Learning Centre (ECLC) is uniquely placed at the heart of the UC campus. We're conveniently located for you to see your child at any time during the day. Find out more about ECLC.
About ECLC
Our programme
Our programme for Under 2s (0 鈥 2 years old) and Over 2s (2 鈥 5 years old) is based on the Te Wh膩riki New Zealand Early Childhood curriculum 鈥 Te Wh膩riki He Wh膩riki M膩tauranga m艒 ng膩 Mokopuna o Aotearoa - The Strands of the Woven Web for the Children of New Zealand. Learn more about our programme.
Our programme
Our programme for Under 2s (0 鈥 2 years old) and Over 2s (2 鈥 5 years old) is based on the Te Wh膩riki New Zealand Early Childhood curriculum 鈥 Te Wh膩riki He Wh膩riki M膩tauranga m艒 ng膩 Mokopuna o Aotearoa - The Strands of the Woven Web for the Children of New Zealand. Learn more about our programme.
Our programme