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My Timetable Help

29 October 2023

If you're struggling to allocate or repeat an activity, have a look at My Timetable Help.

My Timetable Help - For Students
Allocating to Activities

For an activity to display in your timetable, you must be allocated to that activity.听

You will be automatically allocated for some activities, and for others, you can self-allocate.

Auto Allocation

Where there are no repeats for an activity you will be automatically allocated.

The activity will be shown as '(READ ONLY)' and will have a white tick in a green circle to show that you are allocated.

Enrolment box with four rows. The second row says 'LecA (READ ONLY)' and is underlined in red and has a red arrow pointing to it. There's also a green circle with a white tick inside.
Activity Repeats

An 'activity repeat' is when there are multiple instances of the same activity. You will only need to attend one instance.

There are two options for allocation where there are activity repeats.

Option 1

Allocations may have been done already by your course coordinator and no changes are allowed.

The activity will be 'Read only' and there will be a white tick in a green circle to indicate that you have been allocated.

Enrolment box showing 'Read only' underlined in red with a red arrow pointing to it. Next to this is a green circle with a white tick underlined in red with a red arrow pointing to it.

To view details of which repeat you have been allocated, click on the activity.

Enrolment box with a red arrow pointing to a row which says 'LecA (READ ONLY)' and has a green circle with a white tick.

The following page will be displayed to show you which of the repeats you are allocated to. It shows details of the date, time, and location of each activity repeat.

Screenshot of part of a student timetable that selects the first line with a green tick for Fundamentals of Management

Contact your course coordinator if there is a problem with the repeat you have been allocated to.

Option 2a

You may be able to self-allocate to a repeat and choose which repeat to attend..

If this is the case the activity will show as 'Select' and there will be a white exclamation mark in a red background to indicate that you need to select a repeat that you would like to attend.

Enrolment box with four rows of text, the bottom row says 'Tut A (Select) and is underlined in red with a red arrow pointing to it, and a red circle with a white exclamation mark.

To view details of the repeats that can be selected click on the activity.

section of a timetable with he heading 'Enrolment' on a blue menu bar, with four rows below. The fourth row has a red arrow pointing at it and it says Tut A (Select) with a red circle containing a white exclamation mark.

This will display the List View and show you the days, times and locations for each repeat.

The red 'Clash' button indicates that this repeat clashes with something already in your timetable, and the red 'Full' button indicates that this repeat is full so you cannot select it.

Just press the blue 'Select' button next to the repeat that you want to select.听

If you wish to allocate to an activity option that is currently full, you can request a 'swap' by clicking the 'heart'.

This means that if and when this activity has an available space you will automatically be allocated. In the meantime, you will stay where you are currently allocated.听

Example of a student timetable with a red outlined arrow pointing to a heart icon

If your choice is successful the following message will display:

White pop-up box with a green tick and the text 'allocation successful'  above a blue button which says 'Close'  in white text.

If all the repeat options are either full or clashing you will need to get in touch with your course coordinator and they can help find a solution for you.

Option 2b

There is an alternative view that can help you select the repeat that best fits your timetable.

You can select the Grid view icon in the top right-hand corner of the page.听(The default view is the List view).

a timetable page with a red outlined arrow pointing at the grid option icon in the top right of a blue menu bar.

This displays the options in a calendar view.

The white ticks in a green circle are the ones that are available for you to choose and the ones with the white exclamation mark in the red circle clash or are full.

A timetable page showing lectures on Tuesday in blue boxes with green circles with white ticks, and lectures on Thursday and Friday in blue boxes with red circles and white exclamation marks.

You can also display your current timetable selections in this view by selecting the 'Hide Timetable icon' which will then show the 'Show Timetable' view.

(You need to be careful as this view shows activities for both S1 and S2)

Timetable page showing lectures in blue boxes. Red arrows point at two boxes, one shows a semester two lecture and one shows a semester one lecture. A red arrow near the top of the page below the blue menu bar points to the 'hide timetable' icon.

If you decide that you would like to change your allocation from the grid view simply click on the one that you would like to select and the following page will display.

If you are happy with your selection press the select button.

Box called 'Activity Details' which includes fields for activity type, description, dates and two blue buttons one with 'Go back' in white text and one with 'Select' in white text.

The following message will display 鈥 just press continue and this will take you back to the Grid View and will now show your changed selection.

White pop-up box with a green tick and the text 'allocation successful'  above a blue button which says 'Close'  in white text.

You can also change your selection from the List View by clicking on the select button for the one you want to choose.

a table with two rows and ten columns showing activity details like day, tike, location and description, with a green button that says 'allocated' and a blue button that says 'select' which is circled in red.

Once all your activities have been allocated you can view them all in your personal timetable.

Viewing your Timetable

To view your timetable, click on the 'Timetable' link in the top right-hand corner of the page.

blue bar with four options in white text: Home, timetable, Help and Logout. The option 'timetable' is circled in red.

If you are viewing your timetable before the start of semester, the default view will be 'all weeks', otherwise the system will default to the current week.

You can change which week you are viewing by using the slider or the two arrows and the dates of the week you are viewing will show underneath.

Box showing timetable in weeks slider with left and right arrows

You can filter your timetable by semester code by clicking on the Filter icon and de-selecting the semesters you don't want to see. The current view timetable can also be printed or exported by using the other two icons.

Red arrow pointing at the print icon and the export icon. The fiter icon is circled in red and shows the dropdown filter options.

Your timetable will display with todays day highlighted in yellow. Any clashes you have will show in red.听

Timetable showing todays day highlighted in yellow, lecture clashes in red on Thursday and appointments in blue on Monday Tuesday and Friday.

To view the timetable for just one day in detail, click in the white space on that day. To return to the week view, click in the white space again.

Screenshot of timetable with an 11am to 12pm appointment on Tuesday 25 March selected.

If you need to see more detail on an activity, click on the activity in the timetable view and the activity detail page will open up.

The activity group name and activity number are shown along with the details of the day, time and location.

If the activity is in different locations for different weeks, this will be listed in the location field. Click 'Go Back' to return to the timetable.

Screenshot of the activity details on a student timetable. One red arrow points to the where you enter the group activity name, the other red arrow points to where you enter the activity number. It advises that you must attend one activity from each activity group.
Connections and Workgroups

My Timetable Connections allows you to share timetables with other classmates and view their timetable and your own in the same view.

This is useful for finding times when you are both free.

To add Connections click on LiveCal and then click Connections.

Screenshot of a student timetable showing the LiveCal tab dropdown options with 'connections' option selected

You will be given an option to enter a classmate's Student ID.

This is the number on their Canterbury Card.

Screenshot of the connections section of a student timetable showing the 'find a classmate' search bar which requires you to enter student ID

Once you enter another Student's ID it will send a request to them where they can either approve or decline your invitation to share calanders.

Confirmation pop-up that says 'Request has been received. Await your classmate's reply' with a blue button that says 'close'.

This request will show up in your classmate's 'Connections' area where they can either Accept the invitation or Delete it.

Box showing classmates' 'Connections' area with a blue button that says 'accept' and a red button that says 'delete'.

If you want to overlay calendars with your connections click on the Compare Timetable link under LiveCal.

Screenshot of part of a student timetable showing the dropdown options from the 'LiveCal' tab, selecting the option 'compare timetable'.

You can select connections to overlay using the tick boxes under 'Connections'.

Your own timetable will show in light blue and their timetables will show in the colours indicated.

Remember to select the week to overlay using the 'weeks' slider, otherwise all weeks will show (including courses running in the other semester).

Screenshot of a student timetable highlighting the week-selection slider

This allows you to find times when all of you are free. You can then book what is known as a 'workgroup'.

This is an activity not attached to any course but which will shown in your timetable and the timetables of your connections.

To book a workgroup, click on 'LiveCal' and then 'Workgroups'.

Part of timetable with LiveCal circled in red showing the dropdown options with 'workgroups' selected.

To add a workgroup, click on 'Add Workgroup'.

Screenshot of an information box labelled'Workgroup' selecting a button called 'Add Workgroup'

You can fill out the details of your workgroup on this page.听

The buttons 'Find' and 'Find on Map' use Google Maps to search for the location you entered. It will probably find somewhere in the US so don't bother using them.

To add your connections to the workgroup, click on 'Add members'.

screenshot of 'Add workgroup' timetable option, selecting 'add members' option

Select the connections you want to attend the workgroup and then click 'Save'.

White pop-up box showing a connection selected with a tick in a small box above a blue button circled in red that says 'Save' in white text, next to a white button that says 'cancel' in grey text.

Click 'Save' again and a summary of your workgroup will appear in your workgroups area.

You can edit or delete the workgroup using the buttons provided.

Option to add a workgroup with a blue button saying 'add workgroup' in white text, another blue button that says 'edit' in white text and a red button that says 'delete' in white text.

The workgroup will now show in your timetable and the timetables of the connections you added to the workgroup.

Example of a student timetable with a red arrow pointing to a green appointmet box which says 'workgroup coffee catch up'.

You can click on the workgroup to view and edit details.

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