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Te Ru Rangahau | The Maori Research Laboratory

Te Ru Rangahau

27 August 2024

Te Ru Rangahau | The Maori Research Laboratory supports and promotes the Strategy for M膩ori Development at UC. We support advancing indigenous postgraduates and research that's responsive to M膩ori and indigenous needs and aspirations. Learn more.


E ng膩 waka, e ng膩 mana, e ng膩 karangatanga maha, ten膩 r膩 t膩tou.

Traditional attitudes to knowledge have a bearing on research practices. According to Mead (2003) research in a M膩ori sense seeks to expand knowledge outward (te wh膩nuitanga), in depth (te hohonutanga) and toward light (te m膩ramatanga). Similarly, many contemporary approaches to research strive to describe, explain and interpret things in contrasting and complementary ways.

M膩ori research has a growing presence in the College of Education, Health and Human Development. Kaupapa M膩ori research is often perceived as a phenomenon that challenges the conventions of research while seeking to identify and uphold M膩ori views, solutions and ways of knowing. It is about empowering M膩ori people, voice, processes and knowledge. It is about inclusion too; working with local, national and international colleagues across the disciplines of education on projects that move M膩ori from the margins and toward the centre.

Te R奴 Rangahau: The M膩ori Research Laboratory has incorporated into its title two key words. One of these, R奴 (in this instance taken to mean vibrant) is a tribute to the mythical R奴aumoko (god of earthquakes and seasons) and the other, Rangahau (research), is a marker to remind us of an important dimension of our core work. This title was chosen as a way of recognising the resiliency and camaraderie that has been evident at the 91制片厂 during the recent challenging times. Te R奴 Rangahau will be a place of vibrant scholarship where postgraduates and staff can discuss plans, analyse activities, write proposals, report on and complete projects, and, importantly, express whanaungatanga.

Aims/objectives of Te R奴 Rangahau:

Support and promote the Strategy for M膩ori Development of the 91制片厂, in particular, the聽 following goals:

  • to support the advancement of Indigenous postgraduates in the College
  • to advance research that is responsive to M膩ori and Indigenous needs and aspirations

Other goals:

  • Encourage and facilitate meaningful engagement with iwi M膩ori at the conceptual stage of research planning, with ongoing support and advice as needed.
  • Provide timely M膩ori consultation for research proposals for those seeking external funding.
  • Assist the College of Education, Health and Human Development to be aware of and engage with the M膩ori research funding environment.
  • Facilitate overseas scholars whose research and teaching 聽interests and aspirations are in tandem with M膩ori and Indigenous development, and the development of minoritised communities
  • Ensure that that all research is conducted in a manner that is consistent with the Treaty of Waitangi principles, with appropriate cultural oversight and advice for both researchers and research participants.
  • Help to raise the profile of M膩ori research by promoting culturally responsive research processes and practices through symposia, and university-wide communications about research opportunities and successes

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