Publications by LEAD Members
- W John Hopkins and Silke Clausing Yearbook of International Disaster Law Online (Brill, 2024) 404-413
W John Hopkins, Tommaso Natoli andLeanne AvilaYearbook of International Disaster Lawonline 4(1) 2021 152-174
(Leanne was a LEAD summer scholar and will be starting her LLM in June)
Kris Gledhill andNatalie BairdYearbook of International Disaster Lawonline 4(1) 2021: 432-464
W John HopkinsandLeanne AvilaYearbook of International Disaster Lawonline 4(1) 2021: 543-549
Olga Filippova, Ken Elwood,Toni Collins(2023)Challenges in Post-Earthquake Recovery of Damaged and Neglected Buildings in Christchurch CBD (2023) 56(1)Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering38–54.
- Roberta Guerrina, Heather MacRae andAnnick Masselot(2023) 99 (July-Aug)Women's Studies International Forum102722
- Toni Collins and W. John Hopkins in Amita Singh (Ed) International Handbook of Disaster Research (Springer, 2022)
- Ball RJ., Hudson-Doyle EE., Nuth M.,Hopkins WJ., Brunsdon D. and Brown CO. (2022)Behavioural science applied to risk-based decision processes: a case study for earthquake prone buildings in New ZealandCivil Engineering and Environmental Systems39(2): 144-164.
- Collins T.andHopkins W.Post-Disaster Dispute Resolution: A New Zealand Case StudyInternational Handbook of Disaster Research2023
- Donato, S., Brugnera, A., Adorni, R., Molgora, S., Reverberi, E., Manzi, C., Angeli, M., Bagirova, A., Benet-Martinez, V., Camilleri, L., Camilleri-Cassar, F., Kazasi, E. H., Meil, G., Symeonaki, M., Aksu, A., Batthyany, K., Brazienė, R., Genta, N.,Masselot, A., & Morrissey, S. (2022)Journal of Social and Personal Relationships40(2) 551–575.
- Annick Masselot(2022)6New Zealand Women's Law Journal24–42.
- W. John HopkinsandAnnick Masselot(20220in Nikolaos Zahariadis, Evangelia Petridou, Theofanis Exadaktylos and Jörgen Sparf (eds.)Policy Styles and Trust in the Age of Pandemics: Global Threat, National Responses(Routledge 2022) 134–153.
- Hopkins Kirchner S (Ed.),Governing the Crisis: Law, Human Rights and COVID-19(LIT Verlag Münster, 2021): 232-248.
- Brown C., Nuth M., Brunsdon D.,Hopkins J., Hudson-Doyle E. and Ball R. (2021)Proceedings of the 2021 New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering Annual Technical Conference NZSEE.
- Hopkins J.(2021)Public Law Review31(4): 371-376.
- Hopkins WJ., O'Connor H. and Johnston D. (2021)Regulating for ResilienceNew Zealand Law Journal2021: 10-14.
- Hopkins W.John(2021)Yearbook of International Disaster Law Online2(1): 437-444.
- O’Connor H.,Hopkins W.J. and Johnston D. (2021).Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand51(S1): S214-S231.
- Hopkins W.J.(2020)Canterbury Law Review27: 21-34.
External Publications
LEAD is involved with a range of different publication projects with external parties from around the country and the world.
This project is a multi-university collaboration between law scholars throughout New Zealand. The materials here form a repository of resources available to the law community.
An online tool with the goal of reducing the influx of goods donations arriving in the Pacific after a disaster. It is designed to educate and inform compassionate andgenerous Australians and New Zealanders, about why during disasters not all goodwill, (though well intentioned) does good.
The IFRC hosts the "world's largest collection of documents relating to disaster law". There are currently six document categories: case law, documents of international organisations, documents of transnational private actors, documents of treaty bodies, RCRC documents, and treaties. Two additional categories will be added soon: literature, and national documents.
The Jean Monnet Project Disseminating Disaster Law for Europe (DILAW4E) aims to support information activities, disseminate knowledge and promote research debate on the crucial implications of disaster law for the European, international and national institutions.