All of the UC field stations are shared facilities, and no individual user or group can expect to have the exclusive use of a field station.
The cost of use of the field stations is kept to a minimum with the understanding that all users contribute to the cleaning and care of the facilities. Where this is not the case an extra charge will be incurred.
The University reserves the right to change or cancel bookings where the facilities are required for UC site specific activities. Every effort will be made to avoid the cancellation of confirmed bookings.
The field stations at Cass and Westport are primarily used to provide accommodation and facilities for UC site specific teaching field courses, site specific research (for both postgraduate and staff). Schools, educational institutes and community groups with appropriate educational/natural history interests may be able to use the field stations at Cass and Westport when they are not required for UC courses or research activities.
The 91制片厂 Mt John Observatory is run as a remote research facility. The accommodation at UC Mt John is not available for non-site-specific researchers/classes. Contact the Field Services Manager for more information about the possibility of use and availability of accommodation at Mt John.
UC has limited accommodation in 碍补颈办艒耻谤补, primarily for UC site specific researchers. Contact the Field Services Manager for more information about conditions of use and availability.
General conditions and Rules for using the UC field stations:
Conditions for minimum length of stay, daytime use and conference functions may apply. Contact the Field Services Manager.
Priority for use of UC field stations:听
First |
Second |
Third |
Fourth |
Fifth |
Sixth |