This page hosts a collection of data and associated reports compiled as part of the GeoHealth Laboratory work programme
If you re-use, publish, distribute or otherwise disseminate this data the relevant attribution should be used
This page hosts a collection of data and associated reports compiled as part of the GeoHealth Laboratory work programme
If you re-use, publish, distribute or otherwise disseminate this data the relevant attribution should be used
Accounting for multiple environmental influences, such as the clustering of environmental exposures which are either health-promoting‘goods’such as green spaces, or health-constraining‘bads’such as alcohol outlets may represent a more accurate reflection of how environments influence behaviour and health. Nationwide data were collected, processed, and geocoded on a comprehensive range of environmental exposures.
Health-constraining‘bads’are represented by fast-food outlets, takeaway outlets, dairy outlets and convenience stores, alcohol outlets, and gaming venues. Health-promoting‘goods’are represented by green spaces, blue spaces, physical activity facilities, fruit and vegetable outlets, and supermarkets.
This data represents measures of accessibility of environmental‘goods’and‘bads’in New Zealand by meshblock (2018).
Environmental goods and bads (data download) (ZIP, 103MB)
Environmental Goods and Bads - NZGS 2020 Presentation (PDF, 3MB, 23 pages)
This work is licensed under a
Citation:Marek, L., Hobbs, M., Wiki, J., Kingham, S., & Campbell, M. (2021). The good, the bad, and the environment: Developing an area-based measure of access to health-promoting and health-constraining environments in New Zealand.International Journal of Health Geographics, 20(1), 16-16.
Alcohol outlet data in New Zealand were obtained, cleaned and geocoded. Alcohol outlets were sourced from the Alcohol Regulatory & Licensing Authority (ARLA) for the period 2015-2018 from the current and active licence register. All alcohol outlets (n=19,035) were extracted from the database based on the proprietary classifications provided by ARLA. The sale of alcohol to the public in New Zealand requires the seller to have a licence and can be obtained from:.
Data were removed if duplicates (n=3,657) or if conveyance services (n=203) such as airlines who were often registered at the airport rather than actual location of sale. Highways were then checked manually (n=165) as address records often stated the business name and State Highway 1 for instance. Subsequently, 14 records were removed as addresses could not be identified. This resulted in a final sample of 13,989 alcohol outlets to geocode within ArcGIS 10.7.1. Within the output, 13,694 were matched and 295 were tied results. We then tested a random 100 records to investigate if they were geocoded to the correct CAU and 92% were found to be correct. Within this, 2,148 were club licences, 3,423 were off-licence, 8,077 were on-licence and 341 were special licence.
Alcohol outlets (data download) (CSV, 788KB, 1 page)
This work is licensed under a
Citation:Deng, B.Y., Wiki J., Hobbs, M., Marek, L., Campbell, M., & Kingham, S. (2020).GeoHealth laboratory dataset: cleaned nationwide alcohol outlets 2015–2018.(Version 1) [Data set]. Available from:/research/about-uc-research/research-groups-and-centres/te-taiwhenua-o-te-hauora-geohealth-laboratory/publications--reports-and-data
Data on the location of gaming venues (n=1081) were obtained from the 2018 Department of Internal Affairs register and were extracted based on proprietary classification in the register for all licenced gaming venues. Constructs were defined as consistent with the Department of Internal Affairs register and included licensed venues operating gaming machines.
Data were geocoded using Google Maps Geocoding API through Rstudio using the ggmap package with one record not being able to geocode. As in with previous data, we have tested 100 randomly selected record in order to estimate geocoding accuracy (98%).
Gaming venues (data download) (ZIP, 77KB, 1 page)
This work is licensed under a
Citation:Marek, L., Hobbs, M., Wiki, J., Kingham, S., & Campbell, M. (2021). The good, the bad, and the environment: Developing an area-based measure of access to health-promoting and health-constraining environments in New Zealand.International Journal of Health Geographics, 20(1), 16-16.
Data on the location of pharmacies nationwide (2017).
Pharmacies (data download) (ZIP, 186KB, 1 page)
This work is licensed under a
Citation:Wiki J., Hobbs, M., Marek, L., Campbell, M., & Kingham, S. (2020). GeoHealth laboratory dataset: cleaned nationwide pharmacies. (Version 1) [Data set]. Available from:/research/about-uc-research/research-groups-and-centres/te-taiwhenua-o-te-hauora-geohealth-laboratory/publications--reports-and-data
Data on the location of hospitals nationwide (2017).
Hospitals (data download) (ZIP, 5KB, 1 page)
This work is licensed under a
Citation:Marek, L., Wiki J., Hobbs, M., Campbell, M., & Kingham, S. (2020). GeoHealth laboratory dataset: cleaned nationwide hospital locations. (Version 1) [Data set]. Available from:/research/about-uc-research/research-groups-and-centres/te-taiwhenua-o-te-hauora-geohealth-laboratory/publications--reports-and-data
Data on the location of General Practitioners (GPs) nationwide.
General practitioners (data download) (ZIP, 79KB, 1 page)
This work is licensed under a
Citation:Hobbs, M., Wiki, J., Marek, L., Campbell, M., & Kingham, S. (2020). GeoHealth laboratory dataset: cleaned nationwide general practitioner locations. (Version 1) [Data set]. Available from:/research/about-uc-research/research-groups-and-centres/te-taiwhenua-o-te-hauora-geohealth-laboratory/publications--reports-and-data
Data on the location ofcommunity oral health services nationwide.
Community oral health services (data download) (ZIP, 108KB, 1 page)
This work is licensed under a
Citation:Hobbs, M., Wiki, J., Marek, L., Campbell, M., & Kingham, S. (2020). GeoHealth laboratory dataset: cleaned nationwide community oral health service locations. (Version 1) [Data set]. Available from:/research/about-uc-research/research-groups-and-centres/te-taiwhenua-o-te-hauora-geohealth-laboratory/publications--reports-and-data
Data on the location of food outlets are from two sources, Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) and Territorial Authorities (TAs). Data on business registrations from MPIs public register was collected in 2017. Data on health licences from 2013–2015 were requested from 66 TAs, excluding Chatham Islands due to their remote nature, and pre-defined categories of business were given by 89.6%. If not given, the business name was used for categorisation, with ambiguous names investigated or excluded if a category could not be defined.
Data was geocoded using Google Maps Application Programming Interface (API), and the geographic coordinates for any un-matched records were manually looked up. Data may be incomplete in rural areas.
Dairy and convenience stores (data download) (ZIP, 371KB, 1 page)
Fast food (data download) (ZIP, 179KB, 1 page)
Fruit and vegetable stores (data download) (ZIP, 59KB, 1 page)
Supermarkets (data download) (ZIP, 132KB, 1 page)
Takeaways (data download) (ZIP, 540KB, 1 page)
This work is licensed under a
Citation:Wiki, J., Kingham, S., & Campbell, M. (2019). Accessibility to food retailers and socioeconomic deprivation in urban New Zealand. New Zealand Geographer, 75(1), 3-11.
Nationwide population vulnerability data based on demographic variables, socioeconomic deprivation, long-term health conditions, health behaviours, linguistic barriers and health service awareness at Statistical Area 2 (SA2) level.
Population vulnerability (data download) (ZIP, 300KB, 1 page)
This work is licensed under a
Citation:Wiki, J., Marek, L., Hobbs, M., Kingham, S., & Campbell, M. (2021). Understanding vulnerability to COVID-19 in New Zealand: A nationwide cross-sectional study. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand.
The staff associated with the GeoHealth Laboratory have published widely in national and international Geography and Public Health journals.Visit the UC Research Repository () to access publications and theses.
A selection of recent key publications are listed below: