Quality supervision at UC
'Research Student Supervision Policyprovides a frameworkfor research student supervision at UC. It articulatesthe 91Ƭ’sprinciples of quality supervision, including the responsibilities of all parties to the supervisory relationship, and isunderpinned by Te Tiriti o Wāitangi (kāwanatanga, tino rangatiratanga, oritetanga), the Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners), andUC Values (Whanaungatanga, Tiakitanga, Manaakitanga).
Supervisor registration with Te Kura Tāura | UC Graduate School
All UC supervisors should be registered with Te Kura Tāura | UC Graduate School.
To gain and maintain registration as a supervisor at UC, staff must:
- Complete the Te Kura Tāura | UC Graduate School’sprofessional development module onResearch Student Supervision: Policy, Processes and Supportat the University at least once every five years. Once you have completed this module, your researcher profile will be updated within 4 weeks to show you are now registered to supervise Master's/Doctoral students.
- Maintain currency in supervisory practice by completing at least one supervisory workshop, as detailed by Te Kura Tāura | UC Graduate School’s list of registered courses, every two years.
- Be deemed research active within the discipline of study, as determined by the Tumuaki Tari | Head of Department/School.
Please note that if you haven’t supervised a Research Student through to completion, at the same level of study, at the University or at an equivalent supervisor level at another university, you must include an experienced Co-Supervisor as part of the supervisory team who provides appropriate mentoring to you.
Professional development opportunities and resources
– this online module is acompulsory part of the UC supervisor registration processand provides an overview of how the Research Student Supervision Policy applies in practice.
– this in-person workshop isaimed specifically at new supervisorsand any staff wanting to refresh their knowledge in relation to the milestones and processes that form part of the doctoral journey at UC.